Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

Fighting Cancer with Hearts and Minds

Published in The Woman Today magazine, December 2015 Fighting cancer with hearts and minds: A unique approach at St. Luke's Regional Cancer Center 1 in 3 women. 1 in 2 men. According to data from the National Cancer Institute, those are the odds ...

Cold and Flu: Basics, Care and Prevention

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, November/December 2015 COLD AND FLU: BASICS, CARE AND PREVENTION Every year, seemingly without fail, it begins. A sniff. A sneeze. A cough. A cold. For parents, sending young kids back to daycare or school ...

Flu Shots are Available at any St. Luke's Primary Care Clinics

Beginning now through November, flu shots will be available at St. Luke’s primary care clinics during regular clinic hours. To make it convenient to receive the vaccination, anyone may call to schedule an appointment during clinic hours or ...

Medical Technology That's All About the Patient

Published in the Woman Today magazine, October/November 2015 Medical technology that’s all about the patient Seemingly every day, new stories appear about breakthrough medical technology that will help physicians see better, operate better, or ...

Helping Patients from Diagnosis through Survivorship

Published in The Woman Today magazine, August/September 2014 Helping patients from diagnosis through survivorship Anne Silva-Benedict, MD, St. Luke’s Regional Cancer Center Even as a young girl living in Sri Lanka, Anne Silva-Benedict, MD, ...

Pump the Brakes There, Father Time

Published in the Duluthian magazine, September/October 2015 Pump the brakes there, Father Time. Small things that can make a big difference for your skin We’ve all been there. Maybe we didn’t get enough sleep. Maybe we’ve been on ...

Get with the plan: the role of birth plans for expectant moms

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, September/October 2015 Get with the plan: the role of birth plans for expectant moms Molly Anderson is pregnant. Very pregnant. It’s two weeks before she is scheduled to give birth to her second ...

Be a Health Advocate for You

Published in The Woman Today, August/September 2015 Be a health advocate for you. The human body is a fabulously complex machine. It’s made up of 650 muscles, 206 bones, 60,000 miles of blood vessels and over 100 trillion cells. It is also ...

A Never-Before Seen Look at Cancer Survivorship

St. Luke’s Regional Cancer Center Director Dr. Basem Goueli gave a riveting talk about cancer survivorship, the patient/oncologist relationship and how to optimize survivorship. The talk was part of St. Luke’s Understanding Cancer: ...

Got a Picky Eater? Help is Here!

Published in Moms & Dads Today, July/August 2015 Got a Picky Eater? Help is Here! If you’re a parent, raise your hand if this sounds familiar: you’ve planned, shopped-for and prepared a delicious, healthy meal, placed it on the table ...

It's a Woman's World

Published in The Woman Today, June/July 2015 It's a Woman's World Dr. Johnson is something of a rarity. In a medical specialty with over 90 percent male physicians, Dr. Johnson has something that is fairly unique in the field. Her name. ...

Care Coordination: Putting Patients First

Published in Moms & Dads Today, May/June 2015 Care Coordination: Putting Patients First For most of us, interactions with health care providers tend to come at times when we aren’t at our best. Maybe we’re sick. Or stressed. Anxious. ...

The Changing Face of Women's Health at St. Luke's OB/GYN

Published in Woman Today, April/May 2015 The Changing Face of Women's Health at St. Luke's OB/GYN St. Luke’s Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates is a thriving women’s practice purpose-built to meet the diverse needs of ...

Thank You from Jack

St. Luke’s received the following thank you note from Jack: I was admitted to St. Luke’s recently and from the time my head hit the pillow, I was surrounded by a staff of nurses and nursing assistants that went out of their way to make ...

Thank You from Kevin

St. Luke’s received this letter from Kevin regarding care his mother received at St. Luke’s: I would like to extend my deepest gratitude towards you for the exceptional care you gave my mother during her time on 2West recently. You made ...

Clinical Trials Help Advance Cancer Treatment at St. Luke’s Regional Cancer Center

Published in Duluthian Magazine, March/April 2015 Clinical trials help advance cancer treatment at St. Luke’s Regional Cancer Center “It’s cancer.” Few phrases in the English language have the stopping power of those two ...

Thank You from Pete

St. Luke’s received this letter from Pete regarding care his father received at St. Luke’s: Our father was brought to St. Luke’s recently. After an initial trip to the emergency department, he was admitted to the hospital where he ...

Thank You from Sandy

St. Luke's received the following thank you letter from Sandy: To the St. Luke’s doctors, nurses, hospice care providers and support staff: My father was cared for at St. Luke’s last fall. On behalf of my entire family, I’d like ...

Thank You

St. Luke’s Facility Assistant Coordinator Luke Gamble received the following compliment from a patient he was assisting from his hospital room to his car. Luke says: I was called to escort a patient from his hospital room out to his vehicle. I ...

Thank You from Stacy

St. Luke's received this letter from Stacy regarding her son's care: I wanted to express how grateful l I am to the St. Luke's staff who cared for my son while he was in for his "unexpected" hernia operation. From the start with ...

Cancer Survivorship: The Power of Nutrition

We all know nutrition plays an important part in overall health, but what about when you are a cancer survivor? Foods may not taste the same as before or you may need additional nutrients as you are going through cancer treatment. These are just a ...

218.249.5555 | 800.321.3790

St. Luke’s, 915 East First Street, Duluth, MN 55805
© 2019 St. Luke's. All Rights Reserved.

Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

915 East First Street
Duluth, MN 55805