Thank You from Kevin

Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

Thank You from Kevin

St. Luke’s received this letter from Kevin regarding care his mother received at St. Luke’s:

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude towards you for the exceptional care you gave my mother during her time on 2West recently. You made her as comfortable as possible and it is obvious you are the best at what you do.

My mother died in peace with no pain (her #1 concern) at a local hospice facility. Although she did not pass away at St. Luke’s, she kept talking about how each and every one of you on 2West made a difference in her life. It would not have been possible for her to bounce back to give us such good quality time for a couple more weeks had it not been for the care she received from you. There is absolutely nothing I would suggest to change at St. Luke’s. Thank you for sharing a piece of yourselves through this process.

Thank you for all you did.



218.249.5555 | 800.321.3790

St. Luke’s, 915 East First Street, Duluth, MN 55805
© 2019 St. Luke's. All Rights Reserved.

Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

915 East First Street
Duluth, MN 55805