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Employee Profiles

Careers Employee Profiles

Employee Profiles

St. Luke's employees live our mission, The Patient. Above All Else, each working day. Get to know some of our employees and why they enjoy working at St. Luke's.

Gina Lemke

St. Luke's Director of Pharmacy

Gina Lemke's name may not be familiar to most patients, but as St. Luke's director of pharmacy, she interacts with all areas of the hospital and clinics. In her role, Gina oversees St. Luke's Hospital and Lake View Hospital, retail and infusion therapy pharmacies, and works closely with clinic managers to ensure that patients receive safe and effective medications. While Gina doesn't see patients every day, their needs drive everything she does. "Their lives depend on us," she says.

Gina is also part of the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, a group of physicians, pharmacists, nurses, quality specialists, clinical dietitians and others who review processes, study national trends and examine best practices. "Medication therapy is becoming so complex that it needs to be carefully monitored," she says. "We're constantly improving our processes to make medication more effective, safer and cost effective." For example, the group is currently working with new technology that automates dispensing, so the pharmacists can spend more time consulting with patients.

For Gina, who's been at St. Luke's for 12 years, St. Luke's mission, The Patient. Above All Else, is a guiding force. "With the changing health care environment and new pressures from state and federal regulators, we face a lot of unknowns," she says. "When it gets overwhelming, you stop and think, 'What's best for the patient?' and suddenly, it all becomes clear."

Gina also believes that St. Luke's mission influences the culture. "The people at St. Luke's really care about their jobs and what they can do for patients. Each interaction creates caring and compassion, and that shows in patient care," she says. "Whenever I run up against a complicated issue, I know my colleagues will either drop everything to help me or fit me into their schedule as soon as possible. It gives me peace of mind to be part of a team so committed to improving patient care."

Heidi Shaw

Emergency Department Nurse, St. Luke's Hospital

Registered nurse Heidi Shaw sees the importance of personalized care in the St. Luke's emergency room. "Everything we do in the ER is patient-motivated," Heidi says. "We try to make the experience the best it can be." That patient-focused care begins as soon as the patient enters the department, where they are greeted by a nurse. "We try to make the patients feel comfortable by introducing ourselves, telling them our names, that we're going to take good care of them while they're here," she says.

Keeping the patient informed is an important part of the process. "We like to tell them what we're doing, what the medication is, what's going to happen next if they go for a scan, how long things are going to take. We do everything we can to make them comfortable, to get their pain under control, give them warm blankets, comfort them. And we try to get a doctor to see them as quickly as possible," she says. Patients are often surprised to discover that the emergency department makes a follow-up call after they go home to make sure they understand their instructions and to ask if patients have any concerns. "Most people are surprised that we call and they are very thankful. It's usually a short call, only five minutes or so, but people seem to like it," Heidi says.

Heidi has been with St. Luke's for 12 years, starting in the float pool, where she would work in different departments. She joined the emergency department eight years ago. "I like that St. Luke's is a smaller hospital. It's more like a family. We have a lot of really smart people here, and we trust each other. That's important in the emergency department. We trust each other to do our jobs and take our turns and do the best we can for each patient."

Lia Dardis

Clinical Assistant, St. Luke's Miller Creek Medical Clinic

For more than nine years, Lia Dardis has been a familiar face to patients visiting the Miller Creek Medical Clinic in Hermantown, Minnesota. As a primary care clinical assistant, Lia works one-on-one with a physician to care for patients. "We're the ones patients talk to on the phone, the ones they see in the clinic, the one who's going to follow up with a phone call or mail information to the patient," Lia says. The continuity of care is especially important to children coming to the clinic. "We have a lot of kids who get nervous if I'm not there," she says. "They want to see a familiar face. We've known a lot of our families since the moms were pregnant, and we're able to follow them through until we're sending the kids off to college."

Lia enjoys caring for patients from infancy through their elder years. "I'm a problem solver," Lia says. "I like taking on the extra tasks, such as calling pharmacies to ensure our patients get the best price for their medication, or getting out a map and drawing on it so patients know how to find parking and get a good spot. Anything I can do to help take away frustration or ease someone's anxiety."

What Lia loves about working for St. Luke's is being part of a team. She takes the mission, The Patient. Above All Else, to heart. "We're part of a team. We spend most of our waking time together, and we're all here for the patients and working together to keep things as seamless as possible." Most of all, Lia enjoys the variety that makes up her day in primary care. "I like that I get to do so many different things. I really love taking care of our families," she says. "That's my favorite part of my job. And when there's a new baby in the family, I probably get just as excited as the extended family members."

Anna Garrett

Room Service Attendant, St. Luke's Hospital

As a St. Luke's room service attendant, Anna Garrett knows the power of good food. "You can brighten a person's day through food," Anna says. "They're in the hospital, it's not the best time for them. It can be a break in their day where you're not talking about their medical condition."

Anna plays two important roles: as an expeditor, making sure the order is correct, and as an ambassador, going to the room to bring a meal or help a patient order. "When a patient's been here for a week, you get to know what they like and you can make suggestions they might enjoy," she says.

St. Luke's Perspectives Dining allows patients to choose from a list of entreés, side dishes and beverages, which patients like. "When patients get to pick what they're eating, they're happier," Anna says. "They say, 'This is so great, it's like a restaurant.'" Anna likes the teamwork in the kitchen, and how everyone works toward a common goal: making sure the patients are satisfied.

Connecting with patients is an important part of the job."When you knock on the door and say, 'Perspectives Dining, this is Anna, may I bring your lunch in?," patients are welcoming. They say, 'Oh, it's the food lady. Sure, you can come in,' and they're so happy to see you." Anna's encounter with a patient who had dementia shows her commitment to The Patient. Above All Else. "I had an older patient who was confused. She didn't know where she was. One day I brought her lunch in and she was crying. I sat with her, held her hand and we talked for a moment. She said, 'Oh, thank you for sitting here. I feel so much better. I just needed to know where I am.' It was one of those things where I could help someone feel a little better."

218.249.5555 | 800.321.3790

St. Luke’s, 915 East First Street, Duluth, MN 55805
© 2019 St. Luke's. All Rights Reserved.

Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

915 East First Street
Duluth, MN 55805