Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

Additional Resources

Additional Hospice & Caregiving Resources

Medicare & You – Hospice Care: A brief video describing how Medicare covers hospice and respite care.

Advocacy Organizations

  • Resources by health issue or condition: A comprehensive collection of family-friendly publications filled with practical information on caregiving issues and health conditions.
  • Fact and Tip Sheets: Information on health topics, caregiving issues and strategies, statistics, and more.
  • Learning Center: Read articles, fact sheets and tips, watch webinars, videos and slide shows, and listen to meditations and teleconferences

Hospice Foundation of America: Information about living with advanced life-limiting illness, options for care and helpful resources for caregivers

Morningside Ministries: caregiver training videos covering a wide range of topics on specific illnesses, caregiving strategies and more.

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization: Information and support for anyone who is planning to give care, currently caregiving, living with a serious illness or grieving a loss.

  • Caregiving: Information on preparing for giving care, providing care, caring for the caregiver, caring for children, and other helpful services
  • Resources: Help with advanced directives, planning ahead, caregiving, end-of-life care, grief, pain, pediatric, spirituality, serious illnesses and more

US Department of Veterans Affairs: Resources specifically addressing caregiving for veterans including care for caregivers, care for veterans, tips by diagnosis, help with finances and more.

Cancer Care Organizations

Palliative Care in Cancer: Frequently asked questions answered by the National Cancer Institute about cancer palliative care.

What is a Cancer Caregiver?: Information from the American Cancer Society for those who are giving care to a loved one with cancer.

Dementia Care Organizations

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Center: Specific resources on caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia.

MIND in Memory Care: Guidance and information for those dealing with loved ones with any type of dementia.

  • Dementia Care Videos: Videos addressing the importance of hydration, home safety tips, things to avoid and more

Positive Approach to Brain Change with Teepa Snow: Expert Teepa Snow addresses specific aspects of caring for someone with dementia.

Regional Organizations

Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging: Resources to help develop community-based, long-term care services that foster independence for older persons.

Age Well Arrowhead: Services for older adults and caregivers that support healthy aging and independence including care consultation, caregiver support, transportation, help in the home, groceries-to-go and training.

The Senior Reporter: The Senior Reporter is the most established information source for persons 50 years and older in Northeastern Minnesota and Northwestern Wisconsin.

218.249.5555 | 800.321.3790

St. Luke’s, 915 East First Street, Duluth, MN 55805
© 2019 St. Luke's. All Rights Reserved.

Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

915 East First Street
Duluth, MN 55805