Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

Online Info Session Form

Weight Loss Essentials Online Information Session

The first step in St. Luke's Weight Loss Essentials Program is to either attend one informational session in-person at St. Luke's, or view this informational session video. Prior to the video, please provide the requested information below. After the video, a member from the Weight Loss Essentials Team will follow up with you so that we know you've completed this required first step of the program.

First Name
Last Name
Zip Code
Weight Loss Option

218.249.5555 | 800.321.3790

St. Luke’s, 915 East First Street, Duluth, MN 55805
© 2019 St. Luke's. All Rights Reserved.

Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

915 East First Street
Duluth, MN 55805