St. Luke's CEO Recognized for Outstanding Senior Leadership

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St. Luke's CEO Recognized for Outstanding Senior Leadership

John Strange, St. Luke's CEO, has received the Heart of Minnesota Outstanding Senior Leadership award for 2013.

The award was presented by the Health Care Auxiliary of Minnesota (HCAM) at the annual meeting at Breezy Point Resort in September 2013.

Members of the St. Luke's Volunteer Service Guild nominated John Strange for the honor, praising his friendliness, approachability and visibility to volunteers.

"Our leader consistently extends support, encouragement and appreciation for volunteers," added Mary Matlack, director of volunteer services, in her accompanying letter of support of the nomination. "He values getting to know our volunteers, keeping volunteers informed about our health care organization's project and initiatives, responding to questions from the Guild, and providing the support and resources necessary to keep volunteer services strong and viable."

Established in 1993, HCAM's Outstanding Senior Leadership award (formerly Administrator of the Year) honors a health care administrator who demonstrates a cooperative, supportive, enthusiastic and well defined relationship with his or her auxiliary or volunteer program.

BELOW: Photo showing John Strange, CEO of St. Luke's, with the Heart of Minnesota Outstanding Senior Leadership award. Also pictured are: St. Luke's vice president Ron Franzen, volunteer Linda Tezak, director of volunteer services Mary Matlack, Volunteer Service Guild president Sharon Buchanan, volunteer Laura Johnson, volunteer Sandy Fossen.

218.249.5555 | 800.321.3790

St. Luke’s, 915 East First Street, Duluth, MN 55805
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General questions: 218.249.5555

915 East First Street
Duluth, MN 55805