St. Luke's Rheumatology Associates Welcome Dr. Veronica Mesquida

Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

St. Luke's Rheumatology Associates Welcome Dr. Veronica Mesquida

St. Luke's Rheumatology Associates are pleased to introduce Dr. Veronica Mesquida, rheumatologist.

Mesquida received her medical degree from the Universidad de Buenos Aires in Buenos Aires, Argentina, completed an internal medicine residency at Hospital Enrique Tornu in Argentina, and completed her medicine residency and rheumatology fellowship at the University of Indiana School of Medicine in Indianapolis, Ind.

Prior to joining St. Luke's, Mesquida worked as a rheumatology consultant in Indianapolis and was assistant professor of clinical medicine at Indiana University School of Medicine.

To schedule an appointment with Mesquida, please call 218.249.6969.

BELOW: Dr. Veronica Mesquida, St. Luke's rheumatologist

218.249.5555 | 800.321.3790

St. Luke’s, 915 East First Street, Duluth, MN 55805
© 2019 St. Luke's. All Rights Reserved.

Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

915 East First Street
Duluth, MN 55805