Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

45 is the New 50: Why colon cancer screenings should start sooner than you think

Published in Positively Superior magazine, December/January issue Cancer is still one of the leading causes of death in our country despite significant improvements in our understanding and development of new treatments. In 2018, approximately 1.7 ...

Certified Nurse Midwives: OB and GYN

Published in The Woman Today magazine, December/January issue When people hear ‘midwife’, they typically think babies. “There’s this common misconception that all a midwife does is help with a woman’s pregnancy and ...

Healthcare 101: How and why to establish healthcare for you and your family

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, November/December issue There are a lot of things that might keep you from regularly seeing a physician. “Some people avoid going to the doctor. They think it’s going to be expensive, sometimes ...

Focus on Your Health: Dr. Carl Rasmussen Shares the Benefits of Having a Primary Care Physician

Published in The Woman Today Magazine, October/November issue Where do you go when you have a pressing health concern? The two main options are scheduling a visit with your primary care physician or going to urgent care. Today, some people are ...

Lost 130 Pounds; Gained New Energy for Life: Cloquet Woman's Success After Weight Loss Surgery at St. Luke's

Published in The Woman Today magazine, August/September issue Lost 130 Pounds; Gained New Energy for Life Divine intervention. That’s what Alexsis Saarela, a Cloquet wife and mother of two, said led her to one of the best decisions of her life: ...

Nothing Is Ever Impossible: Reese Stariha Discovers His Inner Strength at St Luke’s

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, July/August issue Nothing Is Ever Impossible Reese Stariha Discovers His Inner Strength at St Luke’s The day after Thanksgiving in 2016, Reese Stariha scratched his golden retriever, Goldy, between ...

The power of positivity: St. Luke’s patient stays positive during a difficult diagnosis

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, May/June 2018 The Power of Positivity St. Luke’s patient stays positive during a difficult diagnosis Anyone who has faced an illness knows that healing doesn't just take the expertise and tools ...

St. Luke's Advanced Stroke Treatment Saves Lives

Published in Duluthian March/April 2018 St. Luke's Advanced Stroke Treatment When it comes to treating a stroke, time is critical. Medical professionals refer to this as “time is brain,” meaning the more time it takes to get the ...

Transformative Medical Care in the Digital Age

Published in Positively Superior April/May 2018 Transformative Medical Care in the Digital Age What can you do when the flu knocks you down and you can barely make it to the couch let alone get to your doctor’s office? Or what about when you ...

7 Proven Sinus Pain Remedies

7 proven sinus pain remedies You know the drain of sinus pain and pressure: sometimes even your teeth ache, your ears feel plugged, and your nose is stuffy or draining. So what causes sinus pain and how can you get relief? Sinuses are hollow areas ...

Supporting Safe Sleep for Babies: St. Luke’s is First Minnesota Hospital to Receive National Certification

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, March/April 2018 Supporting Safe Sleep for Babies St. Luke’s is First Minnesota Hospital to Receive National Certification For new parents, sleep is a big deal. How to get enough sleep, how to care ...

Recognized for Supporting Moms and Babies: St. Luke’s Earns Baby-Friendly Designation

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, January/February 2018 Recognized for Supporting Moms and Babies St. Luke’s Earns Baby-Friendly Designation The term “Baby-Friendly” can be confusing. Of course, you hope every birthing ...

218.249.5555 | 800.321.3790

St. Luke’s, 915 East First Street, Duluth, MN 55805
© 2019 St. Luke's. All Rights Reserved.

Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

915 East First Street
Duluth, MN 55805