Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

Life of Heather Miller Saved by Her St. Luke's Colleagues

Published in Woman Today magazine December/January 2017 St. Luke’s nurse Heather Miller never expected to be a critical patient in the hospital where she works. Today, she credits her medical team -her colleagues - for literally bringing her ...

St. Luke's Breast Center Cancer Screening Saves Lives

Published in Woman Today magazine October/November 2017 It is the diagnosis no woman wants to hear. “You have breast cancer.” A year ago in June, Kathy Schaefer, an RN who works at St. Luke’s in the Infusion Therapy Center, felt a ...

Treated as Family: St. Luke’s Dr. Coenen Cares for the Entire Family, Starting at Birth

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, September/October 2017 Treated as Family St. Luke’s Dr. Coenen Cares for the Entire Family, Starting at Birth In baby’s first year, you can expect more than a few checkups. While most of the ...

The Good Shines Through, St. Luke's Foundation 'Circle of Light' Celebrates 14th Year

Published in Woman Today magazine August/September 2017 A night of fun, laughter, and celebration, St. Luke’s Foundation’s annual signature event, the “Circle of Light,” puts a spotlight on their health care excellence. ...

Responding to Traumatic Events: How St. Luke's Helped a Student Recover from an ATV Accident

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, July/August 2017 Responding to Traumatic Events How St. Luke’s Helped a Student Recover from an ATV Accident For high school student Isabelle (Izzy) Stauber, August 9, 2015, was just another day. ...

Motorcycle Crash Survivor Gets Second Lease on Life at St.Luke's

Published in the Woman Today Magazine June/July 2017 Nick Schaller doesn’t remember anything about his devastating motorcycle crash on October 9, 2015, or the three weeks directly following in the hospital as he began his arduous recovery. A ...

When To Visit Urgent Care

Published in Positively Superior magazine, June/July issue When to Visit Urgent Care By Dr. Matt Hansmeier “Should I go to my primary care clinic, urgent care or the emergency department?” It’s a common dilemma when any ...

Baby’s First Day: What to Expect in Those First 24 Hours

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, May/June 2017 Baby’s First Day: What to Expect in Those First 24 Hours If you’re like most expectant parents, you’ll spend plenty of time thinking about labor and delivery. But what some ...

A Room with Aromatherapy: Essential Oils at St. Luke's Birthing Center

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, March/April 2017 A Room with Aromatherapy New Birthing Suites at St. Luke’s Offer Essential Oils to Moms in Labor “Should the lights be bright or dimmed? Music on or off? Birthing ball or take ...

A Suite Delivery for Mom and Baby

Published in The Woman Today magazine, February/March 2017 A Suite Delivery for Mom and Baby What It’s Like to Deliver in the New St. Luke’s Birthing Center The lights are dimmed. The aroma of calming lavender fills the air. If you were ...

Q Care Clinics: Quick, Easy and Convenient

Having a sick child is never easy—and, let’s face it, kids get sick a lot. Tyler Kimber, a father and fan of St. Luke’s Q Care Express Clinic says, “I have a five-year-old and a two-year-old. Right now, both go to daycares and ...

218.249.5555 | 800.321.3790

St. Luke’s, 915 East First Street, Duluth, MN 55805
© 2019 St. Luke's. All Rights Reserved.

Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

915 East First Street
Duluth, MN 55805