Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

Healing Hearts through Comprehensive Care at St. Luke's

Published in the Woman Today magazine, December/January 2016 Healing Hearts through Comprehensive Care St. Luke’s Cardiac Rehabilitation Focuses on Mind and Body “It couldn’t happen to me.” That was Dianne Pederson’s ...

Coming Soon: A Brand New Birthing Center

Published in the Moms & Dads Today magazine, November/December 2016 Coming Soon: A Brand New Birthing Center St. Luke’s Remodel Will Give Expectant Parents More Options and More Privacy St. Luke’s Birthing Center is expecting a new ...

The Big Questions about Your Little One

Published in Positively Superior magazine, October/November 2016 The Big Questions about Your Little One When parents take their new babies home is when the fun really starts. And so do the questions. Newborn care can be confusing and with all the ...

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are an incredibly common problem in the United States, yet only a small number of people seek treatment. Not only can these leg veins be unattractive, but also extremely painful. What causes varicose veins? It all comes down to blood ...

Julianne Vasichek’s Liver Transplant Journey: St. Luke’s Aides in Life-Saving Organ Donation Efforts

Published in The Woman Today magazine, October/November 2016 Julianne Vasichek’s Liver Transplant Journey: St. Luke’s Aides in Life-Saving Organ Donation Efforts Through sports, Julianne “Montana” Vasichek, University of ...

The Athlete’s Advocate: A Team Approach to Sports Medicine at St. Luke’s

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, September/October 2016 The Athlete’s Advocate: A Team Approach to Sports Medicine at St. Luke’s “Mom, dad, I want to play hockey!” Many parents hear sentences similar to this ...

Pelvic Floor Therapy at St. Luke’s: Improving Lives by Treating a Common Condition

Published in The Woman Today magazine, August/September 2016 Pelvic Floor Therapy at St. Luke’s: Improving Lives by Treating a Common Condition Pelvic floor issues, such as incontinence and pelvic pain, can be embarrassing and difficult to talk ...

Delivering Individualized Care for Expecting Mothers

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, July/August 2016 Delivering Individualized Care for Expecting Mothers Meet St. Luke’s Certified Nurse Midwife Mary Johnson Perhaps the greatest hallmark of modern health care is the shift toward ...

An Innovative Treatment for Uterine Fibroids: Minimally Invasive Procedures at St. Luke’s

Published in The Woman Today magazine, June/July 2016 issue An Innovative Treatment for Uterine Fibroids: Minimally Invasive Procedures at St. Luke’s Monthly periods for women are generally a mere inconvenience. But for some women, they can be ...

Staying Healthy During Pregnancy

Published in Positively Superior magazine, April/May 2016 Staying Healthy During Pregnancy Finding out you are pregnant can be both exciting, and nerve wracking—especially for first time moms. With all the advice available, both online and from ...

A Mother's Instinct: Life Saving Technology at St. Luke's

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, May/June 2016 issue A Mother’s Instinct: Life Saving Technology at St. Luke’s Matthew Dallmann, a true Minnesotan, has been playing hockey since he was five years old. His mother has been ...

St. Luke's Rehab Unit Helps Eveleth Man Reach Goal

Published in Duluth Superior Living magazine, March/April 2015 issue It takes a team St. Luke’s Rehab Unit Helps Eveleth Man Reach Goal It was one of those odd spring days in northern Minnesota in late-April, 2014. Despite the date on the ...

Making Your Heart the Priority

Published in The Woman Today magazine, April/May 2016 Making Your Heart the Priority: Helpful Tips for Preventing Heart Disease from St. Luke’s When we think of women’s health, we might first consider breast cancer screenings or an annual ...

St. Luke's Makes Every Moment Count

Published in the Duluthian magazine, March/April 2016 St. Luke’s Makes Every Moment Count How Saving Seconds Can Save Lives in Heart Attack Care You’ve heard it over and over again. When it comes to medical emergencies, every moment ...

Building Emotionally Healthy Adolescents

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, March/April 2016 Building Emotionally Healthy Adolescents Mental Health Screenings at St. Luke's Pediatric Associates and the Power of Resilience Just the words “junior high” are enough to ...

Inside the Mind of Dr. Rebecca Meyerson

Published in The Woman Today magazine, February/March 2016 Inside the Mind of Dr. Rebecca Meyerson Meet St. Luke’s newest neurologist The human brain is a fascinating instrument. In an average adult, the brain weighs about three pounds, which ...

St. Luke's Offers Nitrous Oxide in the Birthing Center

Published in Moms & Dads Today magazine, January/February 2016 Laughing gas = Happy moms St. Luke’s First in Northland to Offer Nitrous Oxide During Labor If you’ve ever had a cavity filled, you may have been offered nitrous oxide ...

218.249.5555 | 800.321.3790

St. Luke’s, 915 East First Street, Duluth, MN 55805
© 2019 St. Luke's. All Rights Reserved.

Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

915 East First Street
Duluth, MN 55805