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Tis the Season

Hands-on approach to staying healthy. Here in Minnesota, snow flurries and flu season go hand in hand, but there are several ways you can help protect yourself and your family from getting sick and spreading germs to others: Wash your hands ...

Holiday Helpings to Minimize Weight Gain

The holidays are a wonderful time to reconnect with friends and family, but filling the calendar with back-to-back social events can wreak havoc on the waistline. "It's not unusual for adults to gain up to 10 pounds between Thanksgiving and ...

Best Wilderness Safety Tips

If you've ever hiked the Superior Hiking Trail, biked along the North Shore or camped in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, you know how unpredictable nature can be. But by planning ahead and packing for emergencies, it's possible to fully enjoy ...

Are Your Kids Spending 3–7 Hours Daily On-screen?

How much time do your kids spend in front of the television or computer monitor? Chances are it's more than you think. The National Institutes of Health says children between the ages of 8 and 18 spend between 3 and 7.5 hours per day viewing or ...

The Hands-on Approach to Staying Healthy

The power to prevent some of the most common illnesses, including the flu, is literally in your hands. Throughout the day, your hands collect germs from multiple sources—people, foods, and objects like doorknobs or coins—and without ...

Bullying: Taking Action to Stop the Abuse

Bullying has evolved into a widespread, serious problem that is destroying lives across the country. More than insults, taunts and pushing others on the playground, bullying is an abusive behavior repeated over time, negatively affecting thousands of ...

Glaucoma: Focused on Early Detection

If hypertension (high blood pressure) is the "silent killer," then glaucoma is the "sneak thief of sight," a disease that seems to strike with little or no warning. In reality, the damage occurs over time, quietly destroying as ...

The Five Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer According to Basem Goueli, MD, PhD, director of St. Luke’s Regional Cancer Center, "Symptoms suggestive of ovarian cancer include bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly, and ...

The True Impact of Concussions

The prevention of concussion is a big topic today, for student athletes as well as professionals. David Rust, MD, orthopedic specialist at St. Luke’s Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, dispels some of the myths and explains the stepwise ...

Start Off Right with Good Study Habits

Summer passes so quickly and now that it’s back to school, it’s time to help your kids get into good study habits. Here are five tips from Daniel Billman, MD, of St. Luke’s Pediatric Associates. Good sleeping habits Keeping to a ...

Surviving Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Becky Holmstrom, RN, St. Luke's ICU, was nearing the end of her shift one Sunday night when a patient was rushed to the ER in a coma. Mark Ward, a healthy, active, 36-year-old father of four, had just returned home after his league hockey game ...

Hospice Volunteers at St. Luke’s

When a St. Luke’s hospice patient wanted to go to a Twins game with her church group, her pastor was concerned that she would require too much care over the course of the day. “One of our volunteers went with her,” says Marilyn ...

Eating in Season: Good for You and Your Budget

Eating the fruits and vegetables that are in season is good for you and your budget, according to Stacy Colich, RD, LD, CDE, of St. Luke's Clinical Nutrition. "If you buy fruits and vegetables now, you can freeze or can them while ...

Healthy Eating While On Vacation

Vacations are a time to get away from it all, but is it a wise idea to leave your diet at home? "Vacation is a good opportunity to rejuvenate and relax and get out of your normal routines," says Mary W. Zbaracki, MPH, RD, LD, CDE, CNSC, ...

What You Need to Know About Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects all of us as we age, according to Cynthia Weaver, MD, St. Luke's Rheumatology Associates. "One of the biggest factors is weight," says Dr. Weaver. "Twenty extra pounds of weight doubles the ...

Five Myths about Cosmetic Care

Cosmetic care is becoming more and more popular as both women and men look for treatments to revitalize and rejuvenate their appearance. "The trend is toward preventive therapies that are not expensive," says Wade D. Kubat, DO, ...

Keeping Food Safe in Summer

Summer is the time for picnics, barbeques and outdoor fun with family and friends. But the beautiful, warm weather is what makes bacteria thrive and cause foodborne illness if you don’t handle your food with care. “Keep hot foods hot and ...

Safe on all terrains: ATV Riding Tips

All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and off-highway vehicles (OHVs) offer a fun outdoor activity for teens and families. But according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), most people don’t understand how the unique design of ATVs ...

Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

Small changes, significant results According to the National Institutes of Health, diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, non-traumatic lower-limb amputations and new cases of blindness among adults in the United States, as well as a major ...

Breathe a Little Easier: Managing Your Allergy Symptoms

There's no need to suffer from allergies, according to Kristi Monson, MD, of St. Luke's Allergy and Immunology Associates. "A lot of people think there's nothing they can do, and just live with the symptoms. But you don't have to ...

The Tortoise Was Right: Slow and Steady Prevents Overtraining Injuries

With the advent of nice weather, people begin to emerge from hibernation and take on the outdoor exercise they've been dreaming about all winter. The problem comes when people take on too much too soon. "There's a general threshold for ...

Stretch Goals for Injury Prevention

With warmer weather and longer days ahead, this is the perfect time of year to step up your activity level. But before you hit the bike trails, tennis courts or running paths, make sure you take the time to limber up properly. According to Dr. Edward ...

Treating Ear Infections

An infection in the space behind the eardrum is called otitis media - otherwise known as an ear infection. It can cause significant pain and fever or be completely asymptomatic. Otitis media accounts for the vast majority of office visits. Ear ...

Making Good on New Year's Resolutions

If you have a tradition of making New Year's resolutions, only to abandon them by June, you're not alone. According to a 2002 study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, of the 40-45 percent of American adults who make at least one ...

Taking Coverage from Skin Cancer

Up here in the Northland, the lure of sunshine is nearly irresistible, especially after a long winter where daylight is short. "The sun has a natural feel-good effect on us," says Dr J Jeffrey Evanson, St. Luke's Dermatology Associates. ...

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218.249.5555 | 800.321.3790

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General questions: 218.249.5555

915 East First Street
Duluth, MN 55805