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Holiday Cranberry Trifle

¾ cup sugar ¾ cup orange juice ¼ cup orange liqueur or 1 teaspoon orange extract 1 (12 ounce) package of fresh cranberries ½ cup sugar 5 tablespoons cornstarch 2-½ cups evaporated nonfat/skim milk 2 large eggs, ...

What are Antioxidants?

"Antioxidants are substances that protect cells from unstable molecules called free radicals," says Karen Johnson, RD, LD, dietitian at St. Luke's. "This is a naturally occurring process. The unstable molecules are missing a part, ...

Short Workouts Add Health Benefits

If you're short on time, you can still get the benefits of full exercise by doing 10-minute workouts throughout your day. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as long as you spend between 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity ...

Keeping Older Adults Safe in Winter

For older adults, there are two kinds of concerns in winter: physical safety and health safety, according to Krisa Christian, MD, St. Luke's Duluth Internal Medicine Associates. Physical Safety Risks to physical safety include snow, ice, falls, ...

Water: How Much Do You Really Need?

People carry bottles of water everywhere these days, but how much hydration does a body really need? "We used to say eight glasses a day, but that's really a myth," says Sonja Swenson, MD, primary care physician at Mariner Clinic. ...

Portion Distortion

Even before the advent of "super-sizing" meals, portions were beginning to grow. At first, people were glad to get their money's worth of food. But now portion size is out of control, leading to increased obesity and other health risks. ...

Staying Active Throughout the Winter

Cabin fever may not bring on chills or a sore throat, but it can still take a toll on your energy level, mood and enjoyment of life. Whether or not your household includes children, teens or pets, the most effective antidotes for cabin fever are to ...

Four Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress

During the holidays, do you see the beauty of the season, or non-stop stress? According to Scott Poupore-Haats, MSW LICSW, of St. Luke’s Mental Health Services, “The stress of responsibilities and not having any control over being ...

Working Outside? Protect Yourself from Cold Stress

Trench foot and chilblains may be unfamiliar, but they are real cold stress conditions that can require first aid. It doesn’t have to be freezing cold for these to occur. What is cold stress? It’s a condition that can happen to people who ...

Distracted Driving: An Epidemic

Distracted driving is now considered a major epidemic in America. In Minnesota, it’s a factor in one in four crashes, and in 2010, 411 people died and 31,176 were injured. Distracted driving is so great a hazard to our health and safety that ...

Balancing Traditional Dishes and Health

Thanksgiving brings an abundance of food. According to Harvard Health Publications by Harvard Medical School, many of these healthy foods can retain good taste and nutrition if you can find recipes that aren’t loaded with sodium, sugars and ...

Eating Healthy When Dining Out

Whether you’re watching your weight or preparing for the upcoming holiday feasting, it’s possible to enjoy eating out without sabotaging your efforts. "The key is to be very selective, both in where you eat and what you order," ...

Focused on Aging Well

For centuries, men and women have been searching for the elusive fountain of youth, an elixir that reverses aging, a magic bullet that keeps us forever young. While science hasn't yet succeeded in stopping the aging process, doctors continue to ...

CPR Skills Save Lives

The three Rs (reading, writing and 'rithmetic) may soon be joined by a fourth: CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Without CPR, the survival rate of cardiac arrest is less than one percent, but bystander CPR can double or triple the chances of ...

Da Vinci-Style Minimalism

For physicians like Dr. Thomas O'Connor, St. Luke's Urology Associates, and Dr. Susan Goltz, St. Luke’s Obstetrics & Gynecology, the da Vinci® Surgical System isn't just a sophisticated tool for performing minimally invasive ...

Shedding Light on Childhood Depression

Pediatric depression is a serious health concern in the Upper Midwest, where one in five youths struggles with mental health conditions and two young people die from suicide or drug overdose each month. In response, St. Luke’s Pediatric ...

Hunting for Hidden Sugars

Everyone is aware of the effect too many sweets can have on the waistline. Along with contributing to obesity, too much sugar can also lead to serious medical conditions, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Many a waist-watcher has cut back on ...

DASH of Good Health

As the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. "The secret to enjoying better health isn't much of a secret," says registered dietitian Mary W. Zbaracki, MPH, RD, LD, CDE, of St. Luke's Clinical Nutrition and ...

Know Your Medications

Knowing your medications is a very important part of your health care. Keeping with you an up-to-date copy of your medications and the doses that you actually are taking (not necessarily what is written on the bottle) is smart - not just in case of ...

A Personal Journey Through Breast Cancer

Discovering a pea-sized lump in her breast wasn't part of Stephanie Fort-Medlin's plan, nor was the diagnosis of breast cancer. At age 50, the full-time elementary school teacher, wife and mother of two had none of the typical risk factors ...

Actively Hydrated

Preventing sports injuries involves more than protective gear, stretching and conditioning. Equally critical is staying well-hydrated, especially during the hot summer months. Because water helps regulate body temperature, fluid replacement is vital. ...

Fresh, Healthy and Locally Grown

Summer may be the easiest time of year to make healthy food choices. Surrounded by an abundance of fresh, locally grown food available at grocery stores and farmers' markets, getting your daily dose of fresh fruit and veggies is as convenient as ...

Water Safety Tips for Summer

Minnesota and Wisconsin are home to some of our nation's finest fishing, boating and swimming spots, but without proper precautions, even the shallowest pool or the calmest lake can prove dangerous for children as well as adults. "Whether ...

Bike Safety Tips

The Upper Midwest, once famous for infinite access to great fishing, hunting and canoeing, now also boasts some of the best biking in the country. According to the League of American Bicyclists, Minnesota ranks as the second most bicycle-friendly ...

Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease

There are a number of reasons why someone would adopt a gluten-free diet, says St. Luke’s clinical dietitian Brenda Anderson, RD, LD, CD, CDE. “On one end of the spectrum are people who simply feel better when they don’t eat wheat ...

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General questions: 218.249.5555

915 East First Street
Duluth, MN 55805