Internal Medicine

Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

Services & Specialties Internal Medicine

Giving you the attention you deserve

At St. Luke's Internal Medicine, we provide experienced, compassionate care that you can count on. Our board-certified physicians provide preventive care as well as manage acute and chronic diseases and conditions for adults of all ages.

Our physicians see patients in the clinic, at our Duluth hospitals and in area nursing homes. They coordinate additional tests or services needed and refer patients for specialty care when appropriate. Same-day appointments are often available.

Please download and fill out the St. Luke's or Lake View Clinic medication form to bring to your next clinic visit. Please include both prescription and over-the-counter medications on the form.


St. Luke's Internal Medicine Associates

  • St. Luke's Lakeview Building
    1001 East Superior Street, Suite 401
    Duluth, MN 55802 Map
  • Phone 218.249.7960
    Toll Free 866.443.0286

    Fax 218.249.7997

Unsure if you need to see a specialist? Need a physician referral?

Visit your St. Luke's primary care physician. Your primary doctor is an expert on the St. Luke's system and can help guide you to the care most appropriate for you.

218.249.5555 | 800.321.3790

St. Luke’s, 915 East First Street, Duluth, MN 55805
© 2019 St. Luke's. All Rights Reserved.

Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

915 East First Street
Duluth, MN 55805