Cancer Care

Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

Your fight against cancer starts here.

At St. Luke’s Regional Cancer Center, we have hand-selected cancer experts from some of the most prestigious oncology programs in the nation. While these physicians came here with a diverse mix of training and experience, they all share the same commitment and passion for treating your cancer with all of their minds—and all of their hearts.

Together, these physicians and the excellent staff of St. Luke’s Regional Cancer Center work together as one, aligned for the purpose of treating your cancer in the most effective way possible.

Additional Clinics & Services

St. Luke’s Regional Cancer Center provides comprehensive, coordinated care throughout treatment and rehabilitation. Depending on the type of cancer and its progression, treatment may involve surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or a combined approach.

We monitor each patient closely to track the effectiveness of the treatment, make adjustments when necessary, and provide one-on-one physical rehabilitation therapy to help patients regain their strength and mobility.

Support Services

St. Luke’s Regional Cancer Center is dedicated to helping patients and caregivers navigate the life-changing challenges of cancer. A cancer diagnosis can be as difficult for family members and loved ones as for the patient. It may cause feelings of fear, depression, guilt, resentment, denial and stress. Spouses, partners, friends or relatives may need to take on multiple roles and responsibilities, including caregiver, homemaker, primary parent, sole income earner and driver. Treatment may last months, or in some cases years, depleting finances and radically changing the family’s routine.

At St. Luke’s Regional Cancer Center, we try to address every concern, question and need, so patients and loved ones can focus on what matters most—their health.


St. Luke's Regional Cancer Center

  • St. Luke's Lakeview Building
    1001 East Superior Street, Suite 101
    Duluth, MN 55802 Map
  • Phone 218.249.3081
    Toll Free 877.249.7800

St. Luke's Radiation Oncology Associates

  • St. Luke's Lakeview Building
    1001 East Superior Street, Suite 101
    Duluth, MN 55802 Map
  • Phone 218.249.7800
    Toll Free 877.249.7800

St. Luke's Oncology & Hematology Associates

  • St. Luke's Lakeview Building
    1001 East Superior Street, Suite 101
    Duluth, MN 55802 Map
  • Phone 218.249.3081
    Toll Free 888.759.6405

Unsure if you need to see a specialist? Need a physician referral?

Visit your St. Luke's primary care physician. Your primary doctor is an expert on the St. Luke's system and can help guide you to the care most appropriate for you.

218.249.5555 | 800.321.3790

St. Luke’s, 915 East First Street, Duluth, MN 55805
© 2019 St. Luke's. All Rights Reserved.

Establish care: 218.249.4000
General questions: 218.249.5555

915 East First Street
Duluth, MN 55805